Membership FAQ
Please find answers below to the most commonly-asked Westernaires enrollment questions. If you have any additional questions, please consider submitting a question to us via the Contact page, and we'll respond soon.
When do new classes begin at Westernaires?
New members are admitted once yearly, usually the fourth Friday of August. We suggest that anyone interested in ,submitting an application do so well in advance, as space is limited, our Wait List is long, and our classes fill up quickly. Click here to visit the Westernaires 2025 Tenderfoot application.
What ages are allowed to join Westernaires?
Boys and girls between the ages of 9 to 14 are eligible to enroll in Westernaires. New riders must turn 9 years of age by December 31, 2025 for the 2025 Tenderfoot class. We apologize that we cannot deviate from these membership age parameters.
My child is 8. Can he / she still join?
Yes, but you must wait for the following year’s Tenderfoot class. Please do not submit an application until the child will be between the ages of 9 and 14 years of age for that Tenderfoot year. We apologize for any inconvenience created by this rule. Over the past number of decades, we have determined that 9 is the earliest age for optimum fun and benefit from this program. New riders must turn 9 years of age by December 31, 2025 for the 2025 Tenderfoot class. We apologize that we cannot deviate from these membership age parameters.
We don't own a horse, and don't plan to. Can my child still join?
Absolutely. Horse ownership is not a requirement in Westernaires. In fact, most of our members do not own their own horses. Rental horses from the Westernaires livery string are available for class rental.
My child is horse-crazy but has never ridden before. How much experience is necessary to join?
No previous horse experience is necessary to join Westernaires -- just an interest in learning!
My child has ridden horses in the past. Does he/she still need to start as a Tenderfoot?
Yes. The Westernaires program is specifically tailored to start with basics of horsemanship and safety. It is progressive in nature and all of our riders are required to complete the same steps in order to ensure consistency of knowledge.
We applied for the 2024 Tenderfoot class but didn’t make it in. Do we need to apply again?
If you applied for our 2024 Tenderfoot class but didn’t make it in, we are sorry about that. Each year, we receive a substantial number of applications for membership and we appreciate your understanding and patience. We will be extending an offer for all qualifying Wait List applicants to roll over to our 2025 applicant list. Please keep an eye out for our emails asking for you to confirm your continued interest. Be sure to Whitelist our emails coming from the domain “” to ensure that you are receiving our emails.
How much does Westernaires cost?
Rental horses from the Westernaires livery string can be rented for $20 per class. Tenderfoot classes are one hour in duration, every other Saturday. All instruction and coaching are provided free of charge.
Annual dues for new Tenderfeet are $30 for the year, payable prior to the New Members Meeting; these fees help us pay for the maintenance and utilities for our facilities. New members who wish to pay their annual dues by credit card may do so by clicking this link. Payment of dues may also be made by cash or check in advance of the New Members Meeting. Dues payments are nonrefundable.
We will also be sending a link to electronic forms that we require for membership and ask that those be completed as soon as possible. They must be emailed back to us by the deadlines given to you in our email notifications, or by the New Members Meeting (whichever date is earlier).
How much time commitment is involved?
Westernaires Tenderfoot classes ride for one hour every other Saturday. Tenderfeet (as we affectionately call our first-year riders) are also required to attend a few lectures throughout the year on the topics such as safety and horse grooming. Westernaires rides all year round using climate-controlled, covered arenas when the weather is inclement.
Is there any special apparel that my child will need?
We require that jeans and boots (or shoes with smooth, hard sole, and a substantial heel to help prohibit a foot from slipping through the stirrup) be worn by riders. For safety reasons, we do not permit members to wear the following: shorts / short pants, baggy clothing, or untucked shirts (or other clothing that could get caught on the saddle).
The Westernaire practice uniform is required to be worn by riders by January 1st, and consists of: wheat-colored jeans, white monogrammed shirt/blouse, red side tie, and headscarf for the girls (again, for safety purposes). These items can be purchased from the Westernaires club store.
Do I need to be present while my child is in class?
Westernaires prefers that parents stick around during their child's riding classes. Not only do the kids appreciate the support and cheering, but class instructors benefit from knowing they can locate a rider's parent in a time of need or emergency. We also ask that parents participate in the occasional kitchen duty (assisting in food prep or cashier duties in our on-premises cafeteria). Aside from these points, we love when parents want to volunteer and get involved! Westernaires is a 100% volunteer-run organization, and we're always looking for more help. Whether you have mechanical, bookkeeping, sewing, or driving skills, we need you! Click here to learn more about volunteering with Westernaires.
What will my child learn as a Westernaire?
Classes are led by our Westernaires instructors and begin slowly, with the basics. Curriculum is progressive, building upon the skills that riders master. Over time, don't be surprised if your child gains: teamwork skills, leadership abilities, and self-confidence. (Also don't be surprised if he/she happens to pick up some fascinating talents like trick roping, chariot-driving, or bullwhip-cracking too!)
How do I get to Fort Westernaire?
Fort Westernaire is located directly south of the Jeffco Fairgrounds. From the intersection of 6th Avenue and Indiana Street, travel south on Indiana. Do NOT turn onto the frontage road. Instead, continue south on Indiana Street three more blocks where a sign reads "Westernaires -- Jeffco Fairgrounds" on your right. After turning at the sign, Fort Westernaire is directly ahead. Staff Posse members in red shirts will be present to help direct you to your parking spot.
Can I learn to ride a horse too?
Yes! Westernaires adult riding is offered to any person aged 18 or older who wants to join in the fun. Classes are held on weeknights, and they're ONLY for adults (no kids are allowed, other than the Junior Instructor assistants - who are relied upon heavily!) Three different Adult Ride classes are offered: Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced. Horse rental is $20 per session. Again, all instruction is free of charge. There is a mandatory orientation meeting offered 2 times per year, at the start of the Adult Ride seasons. Click here to learn more about the Adult Ride program.
What’s it REALLY like to be a Westernaire?
While every rider’s experience is different (and the same goes for parents’ experiences), most find that the process of working with horses, working together with their peers, and following guidance from adult volunteers is conducive to building confidence, self-advocacy, and leadership skills. Most members have found these traits to be helpful in other areas of their life.
While not every one of our riders will elect to shoot for the upper-most performance teams of Westernaires, those who do are proud to share their unique experience. Here’s an essay that was written by one of our Varsity Big Red Team riders about the experience of earning her Varsity sweater.
While you’re at it, check out Matt Thompson’s essay on Westernaires membership, volunteerism, and what it’s like to become a “Westernaire parent”.